Monday, October 1, 2007

The Pumpkin Fairy

We have a pumpkin fairy. I’m not exactly sure of the year when she started coming to our house. It was at least ten years ago. Back then it was just Mr. Yankee and I. We lived in our little raised ranch with a yellow lab named Miss Chiff. One frosty morning during the first or second week of October we stepped out the front door on our way to work and almost fell over the large orange squash that had been left by the pumpkin fairy. We are now a family of five; Mr. Yankee, me, The Goose, The Rascal and, Miss Chiff’s successor, a black lab named Mowgli. The pumpkin fairy has stuck by us all these years. She is stealthy. We have never witnessed her visits. She always comes under cover of darkness or when Mr. Yankee is at work and I am at the grocery store, at the post office, at the school…

Two years ago we moved from our little raised ranch to another house about a mile down the road. When the October of our first year in the new house rolled around, The Goose and I wondered if The Pumpkin Fairy would know where to find us. It turns out that our pumpkin fairy has a very efficient change of address system.


Tricia said...

Ooooh! I want a punkin' fairy!

Jeffrey Goble said...

I believe that it is karma. You have karma that is returned in squash.